21 Day Sadhana, Online

Invest time in your inner wellbeing this Spring!

From tomorrow, get up at five o’ clock in the morning, have a cold shower, and start your sadhana at 5:30, every day. After some time, so many things which were a problem in your mind will be gone. Just do your hatha yoga for an hour a day – it works. -Sadhguru

Start your day during the New Year with 5:30am Guru Pooja and commit to your daily practices in the company of other meditators and teachers. Commit yourself to 21 days of moving from darkness to light, from untruth to truth, from inertia to dynamism. Sadhguru says that doing yogic practices in a dedicated manner for 21 continuous days has a profound impact upon your system.

This program would also be conducive for those preparing for Samyama.

Practice accountability is maintained through teacher support and practice tracking. Further support is provided via the 21 Day Sadhana WhatsApp group.

Practitioners who have gone through the program have reported a deepening of their practices, the ability to maintain inner balance when going through difficult situations, and positive physiological changes such as lowered blood pressure.

(Having your camera on for the sessions is optional.)

If you are facing financial hardship and cannot afford the program fee, please email us at hello@hanahathayoga.com.

21 Day Sadhana


Namaskaram Jean,
Thanks a lot for the 21 day Sadhana program. It was a wonderful experience. There was hardly a day that tears didn’t roll down my cheeks during Guru Pooja. Just sitting down in Ardhasiddhasana has turned into something more profound that I can’t verbalize. Thanks a lot for this wonderful opportunity.

Namaskaram everyone 🙏🏾 I just wanted to take the time to thank Jean for offering this incredible opportunity to us all. I truly feel like this came at the perfect time for me to really intensify and take my sadhana to the next level as I prepare to leave for samyama next week. I initially felt like I needed some support for maintaining my sadhana with the proper awareness but little did I know that attending this program would begin to peel away so many layers of limitations I’ve developed as if I was attending a live advanced program in the ashram 🙏🏾 truly has been a blessing to be able to attending guru pooja everyday, watching all the sadhguru discourses which have all been extremely relevant to me each and everyday, and spending the time together with all of you across different time zones to complete our sadhana. Thank you again Jean and everybody for really helping make this such a wonderful experience for me and looking forward to the remaining days 😊🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
— Tarun, Boston
I’m very thankful to you for supporting us ALL, during this 21 days challenge. Such a great effort in difficult times like these. 

My Upa Yoga is so effortless now, compared to Day 1. I only started with Upa & Shambhavi but was able to fit SCK from last four days. Body feels light and nimble. Also doing Neem and Turmeric everyday without fail. Big difference. 

Without your follow ups, practice questions and that zoom call, I would’ve  fallen off track long back. Thanks again for making us do this.
— Ravi
I cannot even express in words how supportive the sadhana support has been for me. The morning sadhana has helped me sail through work from home, kids being at home and all the chores so much more smoothly. Every video is so carefully chosen. Every session inspires you to deepen every aspect of your day. I almost feel like I am in touch with the ashram again.
— Sonal
This 21 day period has delivered me from some very dark moments and feelings. With your guidance and accountability my sleep, food intake, body balance, disposition and most of all, my interiority as a whole have noticeably altered for the better.
— Gregg
Your support has been very helpful. My sadhana has intensified so much, my days so much more joyful. The videos are so tastefully chosen and help me look at everything with a different perspective. Wouldn’t have been possible without you. In deep gratitude.
— Vidya

Sadhana Hall
(In-Person Option)

Do your practices with other meditators in our Sadhana Hall. Schedule your visit here.

Registration for Jan 2 - 22 batch has closed.

21 Day Sadhana