Surya Kriya
to Dec 15

Surya Kriya

  • 6213 Hidden Meadow Court San Jose, CA, 95135 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Surya Kriya is a potent yogic practice of tremendous antiquity, designed as a holistic process for health, wellness, and complete inner well-being. “Surya” means “sun,” and “kriya” means “inner energy process.” Surya Kriya activates the solar plexus to raise the samat prana, or solar heat, in the system. It also balances a person’s left and right energy channels, leading to stability of the body and stillness of the mind. This strong foundation becomes the basis to explore higher dimensions of life.

Surya Kriya has all-around benefits, including an increase in lung capacity, improved functioning of the heart, better digestion, a clearer complexion, strengthened immunity, and better sleep. It increases concentration, memory, learning, and the ability to focus. It brings about a great capacity for emotional balance and reduces anxiety. Many students who have suffered from back or neck pain have found this practice especially beneficial in relieving their conditions.

Morning Session: 7:00 am - 10:30 am
Evening Session: 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Benefit from individual attention and corrections from a small class size

All participants have the option of attending the Surya Kriya review session the following day

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